‘Dot Dot Fire breaks boundaries between education and video games, empowering young people toward financial success.’

Students Celebrate at MWC London 2023Dot Dot Fire's Impact: Changing over 450'000 young people's lives and offering them financially sustainable futures. Photo by Liz Isles Photography.


Following Dot Dot Fire’s Heart of Gold win at the BizBubble Awards 2023, Bizbubble has featured an interview with our co-founder Franco Lam as part of their ‘Meet the Maker’ series.


Dot Dot Fire Co-Founder Franco Lam at Money Wise Challenge London 2023Franco Lam was featured in BizBubble after the Dot Dot Fire team won the 2023 Heart of Gold BizBubble Award. Photo by Liz Isles Photography. 


In this intimate article, Franco shares his aspirations for ethical and sustainable gaming, his unorthodox path into game development, and how he has grown Dot Dot Fire into a success in London despite stacked odds.


Here’s a snippet from the exclusive interview:


'When I was young, the most distinctive memory I have is struggling with school. I found the way subjects were taught really boring, so I had difficulty grasping concepts as I would often get distracted and let my mind wander (I got told off many times!) I wasn't the only one who struggled, either. My friends faced the same problems and weren't all that interested in the kind of learning school offered. Instead, we all found refuge in gaming. Gaming was fun, allowed us to connect with one another, and experiment with solving problems. My favourites were role-playing and management-style games, where I could learn from experiencing life through different careers, from car engineering to zookeeping. The fact that my friends and I learned so much more effectively through playing games was the first key piece of evidence that showed me how much gaming could work as an educational tool.'


Read the full article